
Build – Luxio Online Sale

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Build – Luxio

Apply the Luxio Build over the Luxio Base Cure for 30 seconds LED – 60 seconds Hybrid Apply your choice of Luxio Colour or Luxio Gloss. Luxio is 100% pure gel that is odourless and solvent free. Formulated to coat and protect the natural nail. Luxio delivers ease of application along with maximum control making it the perfect choice for a long lasting gel manicure or pedicure.

Most “gel polish” is nail polish with a little bit of gel. Luxio has NO polish, it is pigmented gel. What does this mean? – Does not have to cure AND dry, it only cures – which means NO wrinkling! – You do not have to worry about getting the product tissue paper thin, some techs actually do one only 1 coat since Luxio has excellent coverage. – No nail polish odor – Does not get brittle over time the way that polish does at it gets “old” – the 100% gel product stays flexible an resists chipping for as long as you wear it. – Stabilizers prevent the pigment from going to the bottom of the jar, shake a new bottle well when you receive it – but you will not have to shake it often! – No solvents in the bottle mean nothing is evaporating – your Luxio will not thicken in the bottle. Soak-off Gel Cures 30 seconds in LED lamp Cures 2 minutes in standard UV Lamp

Available as a Trial Size 5ml or Full Size 15ml/0.5oz.

Strength: Luxio Build is similar to Options Clear and slightly more flexible. Shaping: You can files to shape prior to the application of colour or (depending on thickness) you can apply Luxio Build to two nails and hold the nails upside down to create a perfect level so no need to file and shape. Gloss: There is a little Gloss when cured but it is something we are working on improving for more Gloss. Soak Off: Soak off time is 15 minutes for a normal application. The time could vary depend on the application thickness. Fill Technique: We are still testing durability of Luxio Build using the fill technique. The result so far is very promising. With one fill, Luxio Build has lasted 6 weeks without any lifting( New LUXIO base was used in this testing). Please note that Luxio Build is not a hard gel and therefore is not recommended as a substitute for Natural Clear if the strength is desired.

Build - Luxio
Build - Luxio
Build - Luxio

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.5oz, MINI Size .16oz, 6 Pack

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